Goats can climb, jump and crawl underneath almost any type of livestock fencing. However, some types of fencing are more secure than others. Additionally, how you install your fencing can help prevent loose animals. Here are five things to consider about goat fencing.
1. Fence height. Goats can jump over any fence that’s less than 1.2 metres high. If you have Nubians or miniatures, you’ll need an even taller fence. Consequently, look for fencing that’s between 1.2 to 1.6 metres high to keep your goats corralled.
2. Fencing area. Measure the area that needs to be fenced. For example, a single goat requires about 23 square metres of outdoor living space. Therefore, if you have two goats, you’ll need about 46 square metres of space, and so on.
3. Gates and posts. Goats will try to press against, lean on, climb, run into and squeeze through your fence at every juncture. This puts a lot of outward pressure on the fence. Therefore, it’s a good idea to install fence posts outside the barrier so your goats will press into the posts, preventing separation and gaps.
The same goes for your gates. It’s best to install gates that open inward. Even if a latch comes loose, your goats won’t be able to push the gate open and escape..
Gaps and spaces. To prevent your goats from injuring themselves and getting their muzzles and heads stuck, make sure the gaps in your wire fencing are no more than 10 by 10 centimetres.
Gaps and spaces. To prevent your goats from injuring themselves and getting their muzzles and heads stuck, make sure the gaps in your wire fencing are no more than 10 by 10 centimetres.
Toys and obstacles. Goats are notorious climbers. Therefore, you may be inclined to give them platforms, logs or other obstacles to play on and crawl over. However, goats can use these objects to gain height and leap over your fence. Consequently, ensure all objects are at least 1.5 metres from the fence.
Fencing Material Options
Here are a few materials and designs for an effective goat fence.
Wood fences are easy to install and repair. However, goats love to chew on wood, which can weaken the posts and rails.
Wire fencing is ideal for confining goats. For instance, electric fences and woven no-climb fences are great options.
Livestock panels are strong, lightweight and mobile. They’re more expensive than other options and may require extra mesh on the panels to keep kids from escaping.
Livestock Fencing in Southern Ontario
At Ontario Wholesale Farm Direct, we have a wide variety of livestock fencing to suit any need. We also carry livestock feeders and shelters. Contact us today to learn more about our wholesale prices on farm fencing products.